Welcome to
My Personal Portfolio

I whole heartdly welcome you to my Portfolio Website.

My Projects

Angular Password Generator

This is a Random Password Generator Web App created using Angular.

  • Angular
  • Typescript
  • Bulma

React Goal Adder

This is a website created using React.js where you can basically add about the goal along with the deadline by before which you want to achieve the goal.

  • React
  • JavaScript

React Weather Detector

This is a website created using React.js which can basically detect wether the current weather in your area is Summer or Cold .

  • React
  • JavaScript

A.I. House Price Prediction Web App

This is a website created using streamlit and Linear Regression Model where the price of a house will be predicted based on the input entered by the user.

  • Streamlit
  • Python
  • scikit-learn


I am learning various types of technologies in Web Development from frontend such as Html, CSS, React, Angular to backend like Node.js and Express.js

  • Front-End

    Exprience with
    front-end libraries like React.js and Angular

  • Back-End

    Exprience with
    Express.js and Databases such as MongoDB and Firebase.

About Me

My name is Somenath Choudhury. I am currently learning Full Stack Web Development and Machine Learning. Along with learning, I have also developed several websites and machine. learning models.

Personal Achievements


Open Source Projects




Github Stars

Learning Continously and trying to create something New.